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Minnesota State Freight Plan

About the Plan

The Minnesota State Freight Plan is a federally required effort that envisions the future of the Minnesota freight transportation system over the next 20 years. The plan describes the importance of freight to Minnesota’s economy, the current state freight system and trends. It also identifies key freight investments that better support the transportation of goods and services across modes and will support previous statewide engagement efforts, including the Manufacturer Perspectives’ Studies and regional district freight plans.

The five major goal areas for the plan are:

  1. Freight System Stewardship
  2. Improving Freight Safety
  3. Connecting Minnesotans and Businesses
  4. Safeguard Minnesota’s Health and Environment
  5. Support Minnesota’s Economy

MnDOT will work to implement the goal areas through an updated Freight Action Agenda in partnership with the Minnesota Freight Advisory Committee and the Mid-America Freight Coalition. In addition, MnDOT will target investments that support these goals through the Minnesota Highway Freight Program and other funds.

The planning process

MnDOT recently adopted the Minnesota State Freight Plan in November of 2024. The update process began in the fall of 2022. The next plan update is due in four years from the date of federal approval which will be in November of 2028.

  • Last Plan Adoption: 2024
  • Next Plan Update Due: 2028