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Our work doesn't stop once a plan is updated. The Family of Plans is where MnDOT and our transportation partners communicate what we plan to do. We identify how we will invest, what strategies to implement and specific activities to complete in order to make progress towards the Minnesota GO Vision. To learn more about what is in each plan, visit the plan pages.

While we can't document everything we do - there is simply too much - we can highlight some key activities. Click on the featured activities below to learn more.

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MnDOT Parklet 2.0
Dec 3, 2018
Activating spaces and engaging with people.

Performance Dashboard
Dec 3, 2018
Developing and improving educational materials to answer key questions of interest to Minnesotans.

After more than a yearlong development process, MnDOT adopted a new project selection policy in November 2018.

Strengthening Minnesota’s roads and bridges through thoughtful and strategic planning.

Reducing carbon dioxide emissions generated by Minnesota's transportation system.

Funding Website
Jun 20, 2018
Developing and improving educational materials to answer key questions of interest to Minnesotans.

Helping communities make it easier for people to walk.

Weaving diversity and inclusion into the way we do business

Increasing the transparency of MnDOT’s project selection processes.

District Freight Plans
May 14, 2018
Providing more detailed analysis of freight needs and trends.