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Our work doesn't stop once a plan is updated. The Family of Plans is where MnDOT and our transportation partners communicate what we plan to do. We identify how we will invest, what strategies to implement and specific activities to complete in order to make progress towards the Minnesota GO Vision. To learn more about what is in each plan, visit the plan pages.

While we can't document everything we do - there is simply too much - we can highlight some key activities. Click on the featured activities below to learn more.

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Exploring potential strategies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from cars, trucks, and buses in Minnesota.

Guiding MnDOT investments to improve places for people walking.

The Greater Minnesota Mobility Study evaluated highway investment needs on the National Highway System (NHS) throughout Greater Minnesota.

Studying and working with transportation partners to prepare for connected and autonomous vehicles.

Studying how transportation affects equity and identifying transportation strategies and approaches that will meaningfully reduce disparities.

Studying and working with transportation partners to prepare for connected and autonomous vehicles.

Studying how transportation affects equity and identifying transportation strategies and approaches that will meaningfully reduce disparities.

Piloting tools and strategies to better incorporate equity into project-level decision-making.

Developing tools and resources to support transportation decisions that reflect the surrounding context.

Updating MnDOT technical guidance to incorporate new practices and policy direction.