Advancing Transportation Equity: Research Roadmap
Studying how transportation affects equity and identifying transportation strategies and approaches that will meaningfully reduce disparities.
In the Statewide Multimodal Transportation Plan, MnDOT committed to studying how transportation affects equity and identifying transportation strategies and approaches that will meaningfully reduce disparities. To do so, MnDOT launched the Advancing Transportation Equity Initiative in early 2018. The initiative currently includes research and engagement components.
The research component – Advancing Transportation Equity: Research Roadmap – focuses on exploring and evaluating existing programs and initiatives addressing transportation equity. Working in partnership with the University of Minnesota’s Center for Transportation Studies, the objective of the project is to conduct a literature and program review on the topic of transportation equity. Understanding the current state of practice and research will help form recommendations for future transportation strategies that will meaningfully reduce disparities, and identify areas where additional research is needed.
Learn more about the Research Roadmap project here: https://www.dot.state.mn.us/planning/program/advan...