National Highway System Intermodal Connectors
Reviewing existing and potential new National Highway System intermodal connectors.
In the Statewide Multimodal Transportation Plan, MnDOT committed to reviewing existing and potential new NHS intermodal connectors. NHS intermodal connectors, or last mile connectors, are roadway segments that provide access between the NHS and major passenger or freight intermodal facilities such as ports and airports.
Over the past year, we worked with metropolitan planning organizations to determine if existing NHS intermodal connectors provided sufficient passenger or freight access to the NHS from the intermodal terminal and whether any new NHS intermodal connectors should be identified. Based on that review, we removed connectors that no longer met the NHS intermodal connector criteria and revised two connectors to reflect facility or infrastructure changes.
Learn more about NHS intermodal connectors: https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/planning/national_highway_system/intermodal_connectors/