Advancing Transportation Equity
Studying how transportation affects equity and identifying transportation strategies and approaches that will meaningfully reduce disparities.
The Advancing Transportation Equity project is a planning-level effort to better understand transportation equity in Minnesota. Phase 1 includes a research and an engagement component. Additional phases are anticipated.
Research Roadmap: Project Wrap Up
MnDOT contracted with University of Minnesota researchers at the Center for Transportation Studies to understand what information exists related to transportation equity. The final report summarizes recent developments in the field of transportation equity and describes equity-focused programs within and beyond the transportation sector.
Next steps
MnDOT is reviewing recommendations for further research to understand how different strategies can meaningfully impact advancing transportation equity.
Community Conversations: Northwest Minnesota Pilot Complete
The pilot in Northwest Minnesota (MnDOT District 2) is complete and final documents are available online. MnDOT conducted over 30 interviews with nonprofit, government, transit, education, tribal, and other partners to understand the transportation needs for underserved and underrepresented communities. An implementation meeting completed at the end of the pilot identified priorities for the next 12 months for MnDOT on where the agency has relatively high influence.
Next steps
Community Conversations in three additional MnDOT districts—West central (D4), Southeast (D6), and Southwest (D8) Minnesota—are in process. Projects in the remaining Greater Minnesota districts are expected to take place 2019-2021. Planning is underway for equity outreach for the Twin Cities Metro Area.